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Turist Vizesiyle Amerika’da Evlenmek

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Turist Vizesiyle Amerika’da Evlenmek

B-1/ B-2 Turist Vizesindeyken Amerikan Vatandasi ile Evlenmek

B-1/ B-2 turist vizesindeyken Amerikan vatandasi ile evlenip statu degisikligi yapmanin (oturum almak) mumkun olup olmadigi turist vizesine sahip kisinin Amerikaya evlenmek icin gelip gelmeme niyetine baglidir. Eger kisi sirf evlenmek niyetiyle Amerikaya geldiyse, konsolosluk ve gocmenlik memurlarina yalan soylemis olup vize sahtekarligi yapmis olur. Bu tur sorulari her zaman durust ve dogru bir sekilde cevaplamak onemlidir.

Buna karsin, eger Amerikaya turizm amacli seyahat icin geldiyseniz ve geldikten sonra evlenmeye karar vermis bulunuyorsaniz, evlenmenizin sirf Amerikaya oturum almak amaciyla oldugu soylenemez. Ancak, USCIS’in sizin evlenme kararinizi nasil karsilayacagini degerlendirmek onemlidir. En son USCIS Yonetmeligine gore, B-1/ B-2 gocmen olmayan statusunde olan birinin evlenip statu degisikligine gitmesi “tutarsiz davranis” olarak gorulebilir. Eger Amerikaya giris yaptiktan 90 gun icinde evlilik ve statu degisikligi gerceklestiyse, gocmenlik memurlari sizin gercek niyetinizi sakladiginizi varsayabilir. 90 gun sonra yapilan evlilik yoluyla statu degisikligi durumunda ise, USCIS ayni sekilde suphelenmeyebilir, ama eger USCIS sahtekarlik yaptiginiza dair baska kanit bulursa sizin buraya turist vizesiyle gelip gizlice greencard almaya calistiginizi dusunebilir. Ayrica, vizenizi alirken veya ulkeye giris yaparken statunuzu ihlal etme veya statunuze aykiri davranislarda bulunma gibi bir niyetinizin olmadigini kanitlamanin yukumlulugu sizin uzerinizdedir.

Vize sahtekarligi COK ciddiye alinmaktadir, eger gocmenlik yasalarini ihlal ederken yakalanirsaniz vize sahtekarligi yapmakla suclanabilir ve Amerikaya bir daha giris yapmaktan men edilme gibi ciddi sonuclara katlanmak zorunda kalabilirsiniz.


Bununla beraber, Amerikaya turist vizesiyle gelmis birinin Amerikan vatandasi ile evlenip Green Card basvurusu yapabilmesi, o sahsin Amerikaya sirf EVLENME NIYETIYLE GIRIS YAPMAMIS olmasi kosuluna baglidir. Fakat herkesin durumu farklidir, Caglar Law Firm P.C. ile irtibata gecip detaylari ve durumunuza gore en iyi secenekleri ogrenmenizi tavsiye ederiz.



Getting Married to a U.S. Citizen while on a B-1/ B-2 Tourist Visa

The answer to whether it is possible to get married and adjust status (to Permanent Status) while on a B-1/B-2 tourist visa depends on whether the person with the tourist visa travels to the United States for the sole purpose of getting married. If this is the case, the holder of the tourist visa will be committing visa fraud for lying to consular and immigration officers who ask what the purpose of his or her travel to the U.S. was. It is important to always answer such questions honestly and truthfully.

On the other hand, if your intention was to come to the U.S. for tourism but you decided you want to get married and adjust your status after your arrival to the United States, you are not necessarily barred from doing so. However, it is important to consider how the USCIS will see your decision to get married. According to recent USCIS Policy, getting married is considered “inconsistent conduct” with the B-1/ B-2 nonimmigrant status. If the marriage and status change occurred within 90 days of entering the United States, the immigration officers may presume you willfully misrepresented your intentions in coming to the United States. After 90 days, it might not raise as much suspicion, but USCIS can still find that you committed fraud if there is other evidence you obtained a tourist visa or entered the U.S. with the intention of adjusting your status secretly. Furthermore, the burden is on you to prove that you did not intend to violate or conduct activities inconsistent with your status when obtaining your visa or entering the country.

Visa fraud is taken VERY seriously, if you are caught violating immigration laws, you may be accused of committing visa fraud and will face serious consequences such as being banned from entering the U.S. again.

Thus, it isn’t illegal to get married and adjust your status while on a tourist visa AS LONG AS you did NOT have that intention when entering the country. However, everyone’s case is different, it is best to contact Caglar Law Firm P.C. for further information on the best option for you.