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Caglar Law Firm P.C. > Blog (Page 11)

E-2 yatırımcı vizesi ile Amerika ya nasıl gelinir?

E-2 yatırımcı vizesi Amerikanın kendisi ile ticaret antlaşması olan ülke vatandaşlarına Amerika da önemli oranlarda yatırım yapmaları kaydıyla onlara sağladığı vize türüdür. Amerikada öğrenci olmanız mümkün değilse veya size sponsor olacak bir işveren yada Amerikan vatandaşı çocuk, eş, anne-baba gibi yakın aile bireyleri de yoksa E-2 vizesi sizin Amerikaya yerlesmeniz için bir çözüm olabilir. Üstelik diğer vize türlerinin aksine E-2 vize katagorisinde verilecek vize sayısı yıllık bir kotaya dahil edilmemiştir ayrıca yatırımcının eğitim seviyesinin belli bir düzeyde olması veya dil bilmesi de beklenmiyor. Başvuru şartları şu şekildedir: ABD ile ticari bir antlaşmanın varlığı E-2 yatırımcısının vatandaşı olduğu ülkenin ABD ile ticaret anlaşması olması gerekir....

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America doesn’t know how many immigrants overstay their visas

According to a recent NY Times article, 20 years ago congress has passed a law requiring the federal government to develop a system to track immigrants who overstayed their visas. Despite spending millions of dollars officials can only roughly estimate the number of people in the U.S. illegally after overstaying visas. Officials blame a lack of technology. According to a 1997 report prepared by the former INS, it was estimated that 40% of foreign nationals overstay their visas - which is approximately 4.4 million of the estimated 11 million undocumented residents in the U.S. ...

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Amerika da yatırım üzerinden yeşil kart (Green Card) nasıl alınır?

Amerikada oturum hakkı sağlayan ve EB- 5 olarak bilinen yatırımcı programı 1990 yılında Amerikan kongresinin yabancı yatırımcıların ülkeye davet edilerek iş ve sermaye artırımının sağlanması ve bu sayede Amerikan ekonomisinin ve istihdamın canlandırılması için başlattığı bir programdır. EB-5 vizesine başvurmanın koşulları neleredir? EB-5 yolu ile oturum hakkını elde etmek için yatırımcılardan dil bilmesi, iş geçmişi, yaş sınırı, ve eğitim seviyesi açısından talep edilen bir şart bulunmamaktadır. Tek şart yatırımcıların yatırım yapacakları miktarı yasal yollardan elde edildiğini ispatlama zorunluluğudur. Yapılacak yatırımın miktarı en az 1 milyon dolardır. Ancak bunun bir istisnası var. Eğer yatırım işsizliğin çok yüksek olduğu şehirlerde veya az gelişmiş kırsal kesimlerde...

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Lawsuit Claims Disney Colluded to Supplant U.S. Workers with Immigrants

The lawsuits by Leo Perrero and Dena Moore, who each filed a separate but similar class-action complaint represent the first time Americans have gone to federal court to sue outsourcing companies HCL and Cognizant that allegedly brought in foreign nationals and the Walt Disney World company that contracted with those businesses, claiming that they intentionally collaborated to replace American workers with H-1B workers from abroad....

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H-1B season has begun

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will begin accepting new H-1B petitions On April 1, 2016, for the annual H-1B visa quota of 65,000 (plus 20,000 for holders of advanced U.S. degrees).If more than 65,000 petitions are received in the first five business days of April, as is expected, USCIS will conduct a lottery to determine which petitions will be selected for the quota and reviewed. We anticipate a lottery will be required this year as was required last year. The annual quota, however, does not apply to individuals currently in H-1B visa status, individuals who need to extend their stay/change...

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New law increases fees for L-1 and H-1B petitioners

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016 (Public Law 114-113), signed into law by President Obama on December 18, 2015, increases fees for certain H-1B and L-1 petitioners. Petitioners who employ 50 or more employees in the United States, with more than 50 percent of those employees in H-1B or L (including L-1A and L-1B) nonimmigrant status. These petitioners must submit an additional fee of $4,000 for H-1B petitions and $4,500 for L-1A and L-1B petitions postmarked on or after December 18, 2015....

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Every business owner should be aware of vicarious liability.

“Vicarious liability” means a person may be held liable for the actions, wrongdoings and or omissions of another person. In workplace context, it refers that an employer can be liable for the acts or omissions of its employees when the event giving rise to injuries took place in the course of their employment. If an employee causes harm to others or even themselves while on company property or while operating or using company equipment, the business owner is vicariously liable. But the most important point which most business owners don’t know is that employers can also be held liable for harm...

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What type of entity should you choose for your business?

When it comes to starting a new business, the most important step is deciding about the type of legal entity for the business because your decision will affect the amount of taxes you pay, the personal liability protection you will have and the amount of paperwork you should do to maintain your business structure. The Most common types of business are • Sole Proprietorships • Corporations • S Corporations • Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) • Partnerships Sole Proprietorships: A sole proprietorship is the most common form of business chosen to start a business. It is an unincorporated business structure that is owned and run by one natural person...

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