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USCIS Announces Flexibility on Delayed Filing

USCIS Eases Concerns Regarding Delayed Filing of Extension/Change of Status Applications USCIS has announced that any delayed filing of Form I-129 or Form I-539 caused by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic will be considered to excuse petitioners and applicants. However, the petitioner or applicant must submit credible evidence to support their request, which will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. To mitigate the stress and anxiety associated with the consequences of a delayed filing, work with an experienced attorney who can ensure that everything works out smoothly. USCIS'tan Statu Uzatma/Degisikligi Basvurularinda Gecikenleri Rahatlatan Aciklama USCIS Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemigi nedeniyle meydana gelen I-129 veya I-539 basvurularindaki...

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Turkish Lawyer in New York

Turkish Lawyer in New York City   Caglar Law Firm P.C. is based in Manhattan and was founded by Metin Caglar, Esq. Mr. Caglar is a licensed attorney in good standing duly admitted to practice law in the State of New York. As a Turkish lawyer, Mr. Caglar can overcome cultural and language borders to bring a tailored solution for your needs. He represents many individuals, corporations, nonprofits and entrepreneurs for their various legal matters. He also advises international individual and corporate clients on cross border transactions. Mr. Caglar is skilled in bringing creative legal strategies and practical solutions to complex law matters. Mr. Caglar holds a...

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What is Public Charge?

What is 'Public Charge' and Who Does it Apply to? 'Public Charge' refers to an individual who is or will become dependent on the government for sustenance. If an individual is found to be a public charge, their Adjustment of Status (I-485) application for a Green Card will be denied unless they are refugees, asylees, individuals possessing U or T visas, or are of another exempt status. The recent changes to definitions and standards in determining publıc charge does not change those exempted by congress but merely narrows down what immigration officers should consider and what the procedure should be for...

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Expansion of Expedited Removal

Expansion of Expedited Removal New rule to expand expedited removal effective July 23, 2019. With this change, expedited removal affects more people than before. The previous guidelines of the DHS limited the initiation of expedited removal to 100 miles of the border and based on whether the person had been present in the U.S. for less than 14 days. Now with this new rule, anyone in the U.S. who entered the country illegally and who cannot prove that they have been living in the U.S. for at least 2 years can be subjected to expedited removal proceedings. If you or someone you...

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Immigration News for July 2019

Immigration News for July 2019   F2A Category Visa Now Current Green Card holders who wish to petition for their spouse normally must first submit form I-130 and wait for their visa number to be current before applying for Form I-485, Adjustment of Status. However, according to the Visa Bulletin, the F2A category has become current. Green Card holders may apply without waiting if their spouse and themselves are in the US. ItAlthough I-130 and I-485 may be filed concurrently, it is important to note that the spouse must have a legal status in the United States. For further information and guidance, contact Caglar...

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Statu Disinda Kalindiginda Ne Yapilmalidir?

Statu Disinda Kalmak Eger size verilen vize surenizi astiysaniz, buyuk ihtimalle Amerika’da “yasadisi mevcudiyet” gunleri biriktiriyor olabilirsiniz. Eger turist vizenizin sona erme tarihinden fazla kaldiysaniz veya ogrenci vizesi alarak okudugunuz okulun derslerini bitirdikten sonra kalmaya devam ettiyseniz, su anda statu disinda olabilirsiniz. Eger Amerika Birlesik Devletleri icersinde 180 gun ile 365 gun yasadisi mevcut bulunduysaniz, Amerikadan cikisinizdan sonraki 3 yil geri gelmekten men edilebilirsiniz. Eger Amerikada bir seneden fazla yasadisi kaldiysaniz, 10 yil men edilebilirsiniz. Fakat, yasadisi mevcudiyet biriktirmeye dair bazi istisnai durumlar bulunmaktadir: Resit olmayanlar: 18 yas altinda olanlar yasadisi mevcudiyette sayilmazlar. Siginmacilar: Siginma basvurusunda bulunanlar, bu surec icersinde yasadisi calismadiklari surece, statu...

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ICE OPERATIONS TO TAKE PLACE AROUND THE COUNTRY According to CNN, the president has recently made statements urging ICE operations to arrest and deport undocumented immigrants in the United States. The arrests and deportations are said to take place beginning with 10 major cities across the United States. According to news on U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) official website, ICE arrested 52 illegal immigrants in South and Central Texas during a 4-day enforcement surge. In such times, it is incredibly important to know what your rights are when confronted by an ICE officer. We have prepared the guide below on how to be...

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