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Author: Metin Caglar

Caglar Law Firm P.C. > Articles posted by Metin Caglar (Page 3)

How Can I Bring My Fiancée to the U.S.

The K-1 visa enables an American citizen's foreign-born fiancé to come to the country and get married there.   The foreign partner must reside outside of the US, be legally free and able to marry, have met the US citizen partner in person within the previous two years, and have no major criminal convictions in order to submit an application for a K-1 visa. Children who are sponsored for a K-2 visa must be under the age of 21 if you have any.   The foreign partner and U.S. sponsor must have personally interacted within the two years prior to the date the Form...

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Iltica Basvurumu 1 Yillik Basvuru Suresinin Gecmesinin Ardindan Yapabilir Miyim ?

Amerika’da Iltica’ya basvuruyorsaniz, USCIS sizin basvurunuzu Amerika’ya son varisinizin ardindan 1 yil icinde yapmanizi bekler.   Belirtilen son tarihe kadar basvurunuzu yapmaz iseniz, sizin dosyanizla ilgilenen Iltica Memuru, eger bir gecerli mazaretiniz yoksa  sizi bir gocmenlik hakimine sevkedecektir. Eger (defensive) savunma ilticasi icin basvuruyorsaniz, ki bu durumda siz zaten ihrac islemleri dahilindesiniz ya da bir gocmenlik hakimine sevkedildiniz, 1-Yil-Kurali size de uygulaniyor demektir.   Eger, yine de basvurunuzu belirtilen tarihte yapmadiysaniz, gecerli bir mazerete ihtiyaciniz vardir.   Durumun Degismesi Mazereti   Durumunuzdaki bu degisikligin (ozel yasamda, Amerika veya ulkenizdeki durumda) ilticaya secilebilmeye uygun olmasini ve bu degisikliklerden sonra makul bir zaman dilimi icinde iltica basvurunuzu yaptiginizi kanitlamalisiniz.   Durumun Degismesi’ne...

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Can I Still Apply for Asylum After the One-Year Filing Deadline?

Can I Still Apply for Asylum After the One-Year Filing Deadline?   If you are applying for Asylum in the United States, you should file your application within the first year of your arrival to the United States meanwhile those who have entered the U.S. with a non-immigrant visa, that one year starts counting down from your visa’s expiration date. If you fail to submit your application within the specific deadline, The asylum officer dealing with your case will refer you to an immigration judge. If you are applying for a defensive asylum, in which case you are already in removal proceedings or...

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Who Will Qualify as a Refugee/Asylee Relative?

Here are the requirements to qualify as a derivative asylee or refugee:   Unmarried Child If you have a child and want him/her to come to the U.S. as a derivative refugee or asylee, then he/she must not be married. Even if you submit the form while the child is unmarried and they marry in the meantime, they won’t be able to come to the U.S. Child Under 21 Your child should be under the age of 21 when you received the first asylum application if you want form I-730 to work for them. Also, if you applied with this form while the child was...

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I Won the Green Card Lottery; Can I Adjust My Status Within the U.S.?

The answer depends on your current immigration status. For the most part, the way you entered the U.S. is what matters the most when determining your eligibility of getting your green card while you are in the U.S. If you entered the U.S. illegally, or you have remained in the U.S. after your authorized stay’s expiration date, you are not eligible for an adjustment of status through USCIS. However, if you entered the U.S. with the required documents, and your stay has not gone past the expiration date of your authorized stay, or in other words, you reside in the...

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Green Card Cekilisi Bana Cikti, Basvurumu Amerika’dan Yapabilirmiyim?

Cevap buradaki statünüze bagli. Eger burada yasal olmadan kaliyorsaniz, yani Amerikadan yasal terk etme tagrihiniz gecmesine ragmen hala Amerikada ikamet ediyorsaniz, veya Amerikaya yasal olmadan girdi iseniz, green card basvurunuzu Amerikadan yapamaz siniz. Fakat Amerikada yasal olarak kaliyorsaniz, veya Amerikadan yasal olarak cikma sureniz henuz gecmedi ise, green kartiniza Amerikadan basvurabilirsiniz....

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Siginma Basvurum Onaylandiktan Sonra, Green Card a Basvurmadan Once Nekadar Beklemeliyim?

Siginma basvurunuz onaylandiktan sonra, green card basvurunuzu yapmadan once ABD’de 1 yil ve 1 gun araliksiz kalmaniz gerekiyor. Bu kuralin adi 1 year 1 day rule dur. Beklemeniz gereken 1 yil, siginma basvurunuzun alindi kagidinin ustunde bulunan, “Notice Date” adli kutucugun icindeki tarihten baslar. Green card basvurunuz da, ABD de, siginmaniz onaylandiktan sonra araliksiz 1 yil kaldiginizi kanitlayan belgeler olmasi gerekiyor....

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How Long Do I Have to Wait Before Filing a Green Card Application After Getting my Asylum Approval?

I finally got my asylum approval. How long do I have to wait before applying for a green card? After getting your asylum approval, you are required to wait 1 year and one day in the U.S. before filing a green card application. This is also known as the 1 year 1 day rule. The 1 year starts from the approval date that can be found on your asylum approval receipt notice under the title “Notice Date” In your green card application, you must have evidentiary documents, proving that you have physically remained in the U.S. for at least 1 year without...

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Green Card imin Suresi Bitti Veya Kayboldu. Ne Yapmaliyim?

Green Kartimin suresi bitt veya kayboldu. Ne yapmaliyim? Green Kardinizi yenilemek icin form I-90 doldurmaniz gerekiyor. I-90 formu nedir? Form I-90 (Ayni zamanda Green Kart yenileme basvurusu) Green Kardinizi yenilemek icin doldurulur. Green Kartinizin gecerlilik tarihi gecmeden USCIS a basvurunuzu gondermis olmaniz gerekiyor. Basvuru ile birlikte birtek suanki Green Kartdinizi,birde Amerikada “permanent resident” oldugunuza dair belgeleri gondermeniz gerekiyor. Green Kardimin suresi gecti, ne yapmaliyim? Eger Green Kardiniz yok ise, veya suresi 12 ay yada once bitmis ise Amerikada “lawful permanent resident” oldugunuzu kanitlamaniz gerekiyor. Formu gonderdikten sonra ADIT damgasi verilebilirsiniz. Eger Green Kardinizin suresi gecmeden en az 6 ay once vatandaslik basvurusu yapti iseniz ayni sekilde...

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Renewing/Replacing Green Cards

What do I do if my green card is expired or lost? To renew or replace your green card, you must file the form I-90. What is the form I-90? The form I-90 (AKA Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card (Green Card)) is used to renew or replace your current green card. You must file the application before your green card expires. You only need your current green card, or any other documents to prove your permanent resident status. My Green Card has expired, what do I do? If you do not have a Green Card or your card expired more than 12 months ago,...

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