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New Rule for EB-5 Classification

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New Rule for EB-5 Classification

New Rule for EB-5 Classification

According to a recent rule published by Department of Homeland Security, there will be several updates to the EB-5 Employment based Immigrant Investor classification in order to modernize the program. The final rule is going to be effective as of November 21, 2019.

The main changes are to the minimum investment amounts for both Targeted Employment Area (TEA) and non-Targeted Employment Area (non-TEA) minimum initial investment amounts:

– For TEAs, there will be a change from $500,000 to $900,000.

      – For non-TEA, there will be a change from $1,000,000 to $1,800,000.

This update on the minimum investment requirements is according to inflation rates since 1990. The minimum investment amounts are now scheduled to change every 5 years according to inflation rates. There are also changes to the TEA designations and priority dates. For detailed information on this matter or any other immigrant or non-immigrant classification, contact Caglar Law Firm P.C.


EB-5 Siniflandirmasina Yeni Kural

Homeland Security Departmani tarafindan yayinlanan yeni bir kurala gore, EB-5 Is uzerinden Gocmen Yartirimci Siniflandirmasini modernize etmek icin yenilemeler getiriliyor. Bu son kural Kasim 21, 2019 itibariyla yurururluge girecektir.

En temel degisiklik hem Hedeflenmis Istihdam Bolgesi (TEA) hem de Hedeflenmis Istihdam Bolgesi olmayan minimum yatirim miktarinda olmustur:

– TEA’lar icin artis $500,000’den $900,000’e olacaktir.

             – TEA’siz olanlar icin artis $1,000,000’dan $1,800,000’e olacaktir.

     Minimum yatirim miktari sarti 1990’dan beri enflasyon oranlarindaki artistan kaynaklanmaktadir. Minimum Yatirim miktarlari artik her 5 senede bir enflasyon oranlarina gore degismesi bekleniyor. Ayni zamanda TEA degerlendirmesi ve oncelik tarihinde de degisiklikler olmustur. Bu meseleyle ilgili veya baska gocmen ve gocmen olmayan siniflandirmalariyla ilgili detayli bilgi icin Caglar Law Firm P.C. ile irtibata gecebilirsiniz.