Expansion of Expedited Removal
Expansion of Expedited Removal
New rule to expand expedited removal effective July 23, 2019. With this change, expedited removal affects more people than before. The previous guidelines of the DHS limited the initiation of expedited removal to 100 miles of the border and based on whether the person had been present in the U.S. for less than 14 days. Now with this new rule, anyone in the U.S. who entered the country illegally and who cannot prove that they have been living in the U.S. for at least 2 years can be subjected to expedited removal proceedings.
If you or someone you know is in the United States without a status, contact Caglar Law Firm P.C. to have an experienced attorney represent the case.
Hizlandirilmis Ihrac Kapsami Genisletildi
Hizlandirilmis Ihrac prosedurlerinin kapsamini arttiran yeni kural Temmuz 23, 2019 itibariyla yururluge girdi. Bu degisiklikle hizlandirilmis Ihrac, gecmise gore cok daha fazla kisiyi etkileyecektir. DHS’in onceki ilkeleri hizlandirilmis ihraci, sınırın 100 mil içersıne kısıtlıydı ve kisinin ABD’de 14 gunden az kalmis olmasini gerektiriyordu. Simdi yeni kural ile ABD’ye yasadisi giris yapan ve ABD’de 2 yildan fazla kaldigini kanitlayaman biri, hizlandirilmis ihrac prosedurlerine tabi tutulabilincek.
Eger siz veya bir tanidiginiz Amerika Birlesik Devletlerinde statusuz ise, dava surecinde temsil edecek tecrubeli bir avukat icin Caglar Law Firm P.C. ile irtibata geciniz