F-1 Vizesi ile Calisma Izni
Economic Gucluk Ceken F-1 Ogrencileri icin Calisma Izni
Bircok F-1 Ogrencisi COVID-19 salgini nedeniyle economik gucluk cekmektedir. Okuldan elde edilebilecek evraklar ve tecrubeli bir avukatin yardimiyla, elde olmayan nedenlerle meydana gelen bu ekonomik guclukleri hafifletmek icin calisma izni basvursu yapilabilmektedir.
Normal uygunluk kriterleri gecerlidir:
- Bir tam akademik sene boyunca F-1 statusunde olmalisiniz;
- Iyi akademic durumda ve tam gun egitim aliyor olmalisiniz;
- Calismaniz egitim hayatinizi aksatmamali;
- Ekonomik gucluk cekmenizin elinizde olmayan ve ongorulemeyen sebeplerden dolayi meydana geldigini gosterebilmelisiniz.
Employment authorization for F-1 Students facing Economic Hardship
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many F-1 students are facing economic hardship. With the proper documentation from the designated school official, and with the help of an experienced attorney, students may obtain work authorization to help deal with the economic hardship caused by these unforeseen circumstances.
The usual eligibility criteria apply:
- You have been in F-1 status for one full academic year;
- You are in good academic standing and are a full-time student;
- Employment does not interfere with your studies;
- You can demonstrate that the employment is necessary to avoid severe economic hardship due to unforeseen economic circumstances beyond your control.