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Bringing Your Spouse Abroad and Obtaining a Green Card.

Caglar Law Firm P.C. > BLOG  > Bringing Your Spouse Abroad and Obtaining a Green Card.

Bringing Your Spouse Abroad and Obtaining a Green Card.

You have a green card and want to bring your spouse to the United States? Here is how.
First step is filling out an I-130, Petition for Alien Relative form, and filing it to USCIS
(United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.)
Then you would have to wait for USCIS to approve your application. This might take a
couple months or longer.
After USCIS approves your application, they will forward your application to the NVC (National
Visa Center.) You will then be contacted by the NVC requesting documentation and fees.
Alongside the documents, you will be required to fill out a DS-260 form and file it.
The NVC will then forward the case to the nearest US embassy to your address where
you will be given an in-person interview date.
Before the interview, you are required to send the embassy a medical report given to you
from an approved doctor.
At the interview, you should expect questions about your basic personal information,
spouse’s personal information, your residential history, your previous relationships, any
legal issues you may have or had, family history, or legal status.
The interview decision will come in soon. If there are further checks or information
required, it may be more than that.
If your application gets approved, you will receive your U.S. visa alongside an envelope
containing your files. It is not to be opened until entering the United States. Only an U.S.
officer can open the envelope.
The visa will grant you temporary residing rights in the United States for 12 months
where you will receive your green card.