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USCIS Form Updates and Immigration News for June 2019

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USCIS Form Updates and Immigration News for June 2019

USCIS Form Updates and Immigration News

I-539 New Form and Additional Fee Requirements

The USCIS has updated Form I-539, Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status and has published a new Form I-539 A, Supplemental Information for Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status which has to be submitted with a Form I-539 for each co-applicant. Furthermore, each applicant and co-applicant must pay an $85 biometric services fee aside from the $370 fee already in place.

However, certain categories such as A or G statuses will have this biometric fee waived. To ensure fees are filed correctly and without delay, reach out to Caglar Law Firm P.C.

Yeni I-539 Formu ve Ek Ucretlendirme

USCIS I-539, Gocmen Olmayan Vize Statusu Uzatma/Degistirme Basvurusunu yeniledi ve yeni I-539A, Gocmen Olmayan Vize Statusu Uzatma/Degistirme Basvurusu icin Ek Bilgilendirme Formu yayinlandi, ve bu ek formdan her aile bireyi icin birer adet doldurma zorunlulugu getirildi. Ayriyeten, her basvuran ve her aile uyesi icin sabit $370 genel basvuru ucretin yaninda kisi basi $85 biometrik ucreti odenmesi gerekiyor.

Yalnizca, A ve G statusu gibi belirli kategoride olanlarin biometrik ucreti feragat edilmektedir. Ucretlerinizin dogru gonderildiginden emin olmak icin, ve herhangi bir gecikme olmamasi icin Caglar Law Firm P.C. ile irtibata gecebilirsiniz


Form I-129 Updates for Rejection Criteria

There are many reasons for the USCIS to reject form I-129, Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker such as a lack of signature or incorrect fees. But, beginning August 5 2019, USCIS will start rejecting petitions that do not include the name and primary U.S. office address of the petitioner or applicant in part 1 of the form. Providing the wrong address could now be a reason for the rejection of your case.

Petitions that are rejected by the USCIS due to missing information can be re-filed after completing the missing information and paying the required fee. However, some petitions are subject to a statutory cap which means that the USCIS may already reach the specific numerical limit for the number of petitions they can adjudicate before you are able to re-file. To make sure that such details don’t cost you your whole application, contact Caglar Law Firm P.C.

I-129 Formu Reddedilme Kriterlerine Yenilenmeler

I-129 Formu, Gocmen olmayan Calisan Dilekcesi’nin USCIS tarafindan reddedilmesi icin imza olmamasi veya yanlis odeme yapilmasi gibi bir cok sebep olabilir. Fakat, Agustos 5, 2019’dan itibaren USCIS, basvuranin veya dilekce verenin adi veya asil ABD sirket adresi part 1’de yazili olmayan dilekceleri geri cevirmeye baslayacaktir. Artik yanlis adresi vermek dosyanizin reddedilmesine sebep olabilecektir.

USCIS tarafindan eksik bilgi nedeniyle reddedilen dilekceleri eksik bilgileri tamamlayip gerekli odemeyi gondererek tekrar basvurmak mumkundur. Ancak, bazi dilekceler kanuni kisitlanmalara tabiidir, yani USCIS basvurdugunuz sene icin belirlenmis vize limitine siz basvurunuzu tekrar gonderemeden ulasmis olabilir. Boyle detaylarin tum basvurunuza mal olmasinin onune gecmek icin gocmenlik basvurularinizda Caglar Law Firm P.C. ile irtibata geciniz.


Changes to the Time Period for the validity of Medical Reports

In recent years there have been many changes concerning the validity period of Form I-693, Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Record when it is filed for Form I-485 Adjustment of Status Applications. The most recent change is to the validity period of the report once it is submitted to the USCIS and how long it can take for the signed report to be filed. The report is now valid for two years instead of one year. However, USCIS has announced a 60 day limit to the validity period of the report from the time the Civil Surgeon signs the medical exam to when it is filed.

Before these changes, a medical exam was considered valid as long as it was filed within one year of the civil surgeon’s signature. The USCIS has said that this change will decrease the number of I-485 Requests for Evidence (RFE) based on expiring I-693 reports.

Saglik Raporu Gecerlilik Suresindeki Degisiklikler

Gectigimiz yillarda I-485 Statu Degisikligi Basvurusu ile birlikte gonderilen Form I-163 , Muayene Raporu ve Asilanma Sicili, ile ilgili bir cok degisiklik gerceklesmistir. En son yapilan degisiklik ise basvuru USCIS’a gonderildikten sonraki gecerlilik suresinde ve imzali raporun ne kadar sure icerisinde basvurulmasi gerektigi yonunde olmustur. Rapor USCIS’a gonderildikten sonra artik bir yil yerine iki yil gecerlidir. Fakat, USCIS sivil cerrah tarafindan imzalanan saglik muaynelerinin basvurulma suresine 60 gunluk limit getirmistir.

Bu degisikliklerden once, sivil cerrah tarafindan imzalanan saglik muayneleri bir yil boyunca gecerli sayiliyordu. USCIS bu degisikligin gecerliligi bitmek uzere olan I-693 raporu sebebiyle I-485 basvurularinin Kanit Talebi (RFE) sayisinin dusecegini acikladi.

2018 USCIS Statistical Report

USCIS has released their annual report detailing statistical information on the most used and most popular benefits and programs that they administer. Their goal is the “improved awareness of the nature and scope of work accomplished by the dedicated men and women of USCIS” says USCIS Director L. Francis Cissna.

According to the report, USCIS adjudicated more than eight million requests which accounts for a 28 percent increase over the last five years. There were 757,000 new citizens (highest in the past five years).

2018 USCIS Istatistik Raporu

USCIS’in yonetimi altindaki en cok kullanilan ve en populer programlara dair istatistik bilgilerin bulundugu yillik raporu yayinlamistir. Bundaki amac “USCIS’de isine adanmis bay ve bayanlarin yaptigi islerin kapsamina ve mahiyetine olan bilincin artisini saglamak”.

Rapora gore, USCIS gectigimiz bes yila gore yuzde 28 artis gosteren sekiz milyondan fazla talebe hukum getirmistir. Gectigimiz yil 757,000 yeni vatandas eklenmistir (son bes yilin en yuksegi).

USCIS Director L. Francis Cissna resigns

In an email sent out to the agency, USCIS Director L. Francis Cissna said he will be resigning effective June 1, 2019. Kenneth T. Cuccinelli has been appointed as the acting director beginning June 10, 2019. However, this is not a permanent appointment because the decision has to be first approved by the Senate.

Previously, Cuccinelli was Virginia’s Attorney General from 2010 to 2014. He fought against human trafficking and led efforts to reduce gangs, health care fraud and child predators. Cuccinelli also served in the Senate of Virginia from 2002 to 2010 and has practiced law for more than 20 years.

USCIS Bas Muduru L. Francis Cissna Istifa Ediyor

Kurumsal bir emailde, USCIS Bas Muduru L. Francis Cissna Haziran 1, 2019’da yurururluge girmek uzere istifa edeceigini soyledi. Haziran 10, 2019’dan itibaren Kenneth T. Cuccinelli muvakkaten Bas Mudur olarak atandi. Ama kalici olarak atanmadan once bu kararin Senato tarafindan onaylanmasi gerekiyor.

Oncesinde Cucinelli, 2000’den 2014’e kadar Virginia’nin Bassavciligini yapmaktaydi. Insan ticareti’ne karsi savasmakta ve cetelerin, saglik hizmetleri yolsuzluklari ve cocuk istismarinin azaltilma gayretine onculuk etmekteydi. Bundan evvel, 2002 ile 2010 arasinda Virginia Senatosunda hizmet etmis ve 20 yildan fazla hukuki alanda calismisligi bulunmaktadir.